Шильнебашская сельская библиотека - филиал № 10

We want to be healthy

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World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7. This is a day for everyone who cares about their well-being, a healthy body and a strong spirit, as well as strives to protect the environment and improve the environmental situation, which directly affects the development of a healthy nation. We will conduct a library recharge "We are friendly with physical education – we do not need diseases" A conversation was prepared for the children about a healthy lifestyle, about proper nutrition, hardening, about useful and harmful habits, and they talked about World Health Day. The participants of the library lesson will be offered to guess riddles about objects that are necessary for taking care of their appearance, to learn proverbs and sayings about health, games "Sports", "Daily routine", "Remember the sport", quiz "Thank you to our doctors!" and fun sports games "Tops and roots", "Pass a thermometer for a neighbor – I'm not sick anymore." The event is accompanied by the book exhibition "Healthy I am a healthy country".