Центральная детская библиотека

"And what do you have?"

Library of the city is well prepared for the autumn-winter period. The selection committee, headed by the head of GM crops Mubarakshina noted innovative approach to the design of the subscription photo exhibition "My favorite book". In the reading room of the exhibition attracted nontraditional-exhibition "Doll joy." Toys submitted to it, contribute to a deeper penetration into the subject matter of the exhibition, a better understanding and perception of the presented documents on it. Commission members listened attentively story about dolls, amulets, a doll herbalist. They liked dolls Sony and clay toys. Books EJ Cooper "100 craft eggs" Tsamutalinoy EE "100 craft of unnecessary things" "Wonders of the fabric with your hands," logs "girls, boys," "Murzilka" and others. Successfully entered the exhibit and encourage readers to be creative.