Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 38

Ecological action "I understand the world"

To develop interest in nature, the formation of children environmental knowledge, to cultivate respect for nature in our library was held an action "I understand the world."

For the guys was prepared informative hour "In the pages of Red Book", in which we talked about the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan, about some of the animals and plants listed in the this book.

Continued action game "Walking through the forest", which virtually guys were in the woods, and answer questions that can and can not do in the forest.

With the game "I'm for a clean planet" children painted the picture - a dull and sad landscape, correctly answering the riddles of nature.

After the guys got acquainted with the materials of the exhibition "Water - the cradle of life." We learn about the importance of water in human life.

At the end the children drew nature and animals listed in the Red Book. Read magazines about the nature.