Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

The history of the library

Historical background of children's library No. 37

Once a famous poet of our country Yevgeny Yevtushenko has created a lovely line:

Uninteresting people in the world

Their fate as the history of the planets.

Each is specific and unique,

And there are planets similar to her...

This can be attributed to the history of libraries, reading each one separately. Each library has its own one, lots of good events.

History of the library-branch № 37 began on March 27, 1983, in the walls of one of the classes of secondary school № 17. There was delivered the initial Foundation of the future of the library, in the amount of 6 thousand books and several racks. Opened the head of library Gadjeva Gulsina Duissenova, and librarians – the Akhunov Insia and Durova Gulnur. During the month, the library staff has compiled an inventory of books available to the Fund and the Manager have already tried to find new private room for the library. In April it became known that the library will move into the house No. 32 on Vokzalnaya street. Anticipating future developments, considering the library as the cultural center of the neighborhood, the Director of the library system of Kambei nail Akramovich offered to take the library not one apartment, as it was planned first, and the entire first floor of two adjacent entrances. But, managed to get only one floor of the entrance. In January 1983, the library staff of three people worked in the room of the new library, providing assistance to builders in the device of the future cultural district 37.

Responding to the needs of first-time readers, who are the heads of children's reading in the neighborhood, the library established the club "AK Kaen" - "the White birch". The purpose of the club was the study of the history and culture of his native land and moral traditions through literary works. Was created porgramme of the club ”cultural History of the peoples of the Volga region”. Together with employees of branch No. 37, active members of the club were people who cared about good future of the younger generation of our city. This is the Director of the school № 19 – Vasily Ignatyev, the head teacher of the school № 19 – Eliseeva rose A.,head of kindergarten No. 47 – Mikhailov Elizabeth M., head yard club “Grenada” – Parysheva Margarita arsentievna, the teacher of school № 19 (a veteran of logistics and labor), honored teacher of the school No. 8 – Borodin Valentine levinton, photographer of the newspaper “Leninskaya Pravda”- Nikolay Utegenov, Chairman of the Board of veterans 36 MICR., the elder of the city,a WWII veteran - Gilyazov Garif, head playbacks club “Ilham” – Gismatullin the Ilham a gubaidulovich, as well as the home front veteran, writer Valiev Galimzhan.

In the period from the opening until the present time in the library has worked with the personnel, experts in their field – Gadjeva Gulsina Kasimovna, Gabdrakhmanova Galiya Kasimovna, Nikishina Svetlana, Svetlana Garipova B., Faizullin RESEDA Supanova, Mineeva T. V., Galeev Rezeda Raisovna (head of the branch since 2007. present), Small Gulnaz Zinnatullina (head of branch 2005-2007), Valieva Anusa Abuzarovna (main biblioteki currently), Kurmasheva Gulnaz Niyazovna (now Methodist MKS), saifutdinova Lily N.E., Malikova Elvira Raisovna, Karagyzina Naila Nurievna, Garipova leysan Raihatovna.

In 2011, the library was moved outside of the Ship, where they found new readers – yard clubs ”Orbit” and “Burevestnik”, kindergarten № 27 and 33, and continues to receive its longtime supporters. In a renovated room every corner of the library attracts readers new comfort and new books, profitable introducing an already loved and familiar masterpieces of literature.