Больше-Афанасовская сельская библиотека - филиал № 14


History B. Afanasevskii rural libraries


In the St. Petersburg state archive has a report of a teacher B. Atanasovsko school, 1845. According to this document, the priest Arseny Levoci founded year school in village B. afonasovo. The impact of the school was huge on the mental development of the population, and teaching them to read books.

During the period 1857 to 1867, a library was built at the school, in which there were magazines, grammar, various textbook, rural reading. In the library there were only 64 books 67 journals. В1884 year number 43 reader.

According to sources, the Central State Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan, B. Atanasovski school in 1857 moved to the content of the Zemstvos, and was called the rural and the content has been allocated 700 rubles a year.

Teachers who taught in the rural schools themselves were given books for summer reading to students.

Books were issued to the house in all public libraries for a fee, and use of the reading room was free.

In 1903, the Menzelinsk district Assembly decided to contribute to the cost estimate funds-money for free libraries.

For the maintenance replenishment B. Afanasevskii the library was allocated 300 rubles. Library literature was available only in Russian.

In 1918, the network of school education began to expand. In B. Afanasov books were given to the head. club or hut-reading. So lasted until 1949 . V1949 year by decision of the Executive Committee of the district Council of the district of Naberezhnye Chelny was opened a library in the village Abalakovo and officially became the library reading - room hut in B. afonasovo. In 1949, the head of the library took N. G.Gorbunov, thanks to which the book Fund has grown to 10,000 copies, including 190 types of periodicals. The library actually became the reference-bibliographic and information center of the village.

In 1975, B. Afanasovskaya library settled in the house of Culture. Then in

the library had 16 thousand fiction books and periodicals.

In connection with the emergency condition of the House of Culture in 2010, the library was transferred to the administrative building of the settlement. Now the library имеет33 sq metropolises square 9700 books of fiction and a 12 kinds of periodicals. The library is visited by 1550 users. Issued in the year 33 thousand fiction and periodicals. Since 2007, the head of the library is D. G. Nureeva.