Центральная детская библиотека

"Charity begins from the middle".

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20 September for young readers Central children's library at 12.20 hours will be a lesson of kindness "Charity begins from the middle". Mercy and kindness – some of the main precepts of humanity. The lesson of kindness children will try to learn how to connect good feelings with kind words and deeds. Children will participate in a game quiz, where you have to guess the literary heroes who have made good deeds, and think good things can make.

20 September for young readers Central children's library at 12.20 hours will be a lesson of kindness "Charity begins from the middle". Mercy and kindness – some of the main precepts of humanity. The lesson of kindness children will try to learn how to connect good feelings with kind words and deeds. Children will participate in a game quiz, where you have to guess the literary heroes who have made good deeds, and think good things can make.