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Opening of the exhibition «Beauty of the native land»

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23 September at 15 o'clock at the Central city library held a personal exhibition "Beauty of native land" member of the Union of artists of Russia and Tatarstan Rouse latypovoj-Ivanova.

The exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the TASSR. More than 30 works are presented: various genre paintings-landscapes made in the open air in the vicinity of the Republic of Tatarstan, decorative and stylized paintings, a series of "Tatar folk costumes".

Rauza Gapdrakimovna's paintings are kept in the Museum of ART of the Republic of Tatarstan, in private collections in Russia, France, Italy, and Turkey.

When visiting the exhibition, observe a social distance, the presence of masks is mandatory.

The exhibition will run until October 18, 2020.
Admission is free.