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Opening of the exhibition "Autumn dialogues"

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In the Small Art Gallery of the Central Library, on October 7 at 15 o'clock, a vernissage of the teacher of Secondary School No. 13 Minnur Zolnikova and her graduates will take place.

The exhibition is dedicated to the Teacher's Day and the Year of the Teacher and Mentor.

Minnur Mugallimovna is a member of the International Union of Art Teachers, has been engaged in teaching for more than 20 years. An active participant in group exhibitions, she is a member of the ART-POSITIVE creative group.

A teacher-artist is a person who combines pedagogical talent and the skill of an artist. The exhibition will feature the works of its graduates over the past seven years. These paintings have different themes and plots, all of them are made with great diligence and love.

The artist herself will present works made in the pastel technique and works of decorative and applied art.

We invite everyone! Information by phone 70-02-26