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Live broadcast dedicated to the work of the poet Gulshat Zainasheva

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Within the framework of the republican project "Women's Names of the Republic of Tatarstan: history and modernity", a live broadcast on the work of Gulshat Zainasheva will take place on the VKontakte social network on January 16 at 11.00. During the meeting, each viewer will have the opportunity to hear songs based on the author's poems performed by the Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Candidate of Philological Sciences and author of the monograph "Song Poetry of Gulshat Zainasheva" Denmark Sibgatullina.

G.Zainasheva's poetry is rich in musical images – this feature goes back to the traditions of Tatar folk songs. The poetess has gained wide popularity among readers, thanks to her songs. Love for the native land, devotion to the Motherland, concern for the fate of the people, a call for high morality accepted by humanity are the main features of her songs.