Центральная библиотека
  • Web site: http://библиотека-челны.рф/
  • Phone: (8552) 70-02-26
  • E-mail: library-cbs@mail.ru
  • Address: 423807 РТ, г.Набережные Челны, б-р Ямашева, 4/14А Проезд: трамваем до остановки «ДК "Энергетик"», автобусом до остановки «Гостиница Татарстан» или «Парк культуры»

Book-fest "The Canoes are reading!"

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On September 22, the Central City Library will host a bright book-fest "The Canoes are reading!". The guests of the festival will enjoy a diverse cultural program: meetings with creative people, poetry readings, excursions and musical performances with the participation of famous performers and collectives, as well as fascinating interactive programs. The youngest visitors of the festival will go on an exciting journey to the "Land of Children's Folklore". They will get acquainted with oral folk art: lullabies, riddles, teasers, tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings. Participants of the literary quiz "Cool books for cool kids!" will not only be able to show ingenuity and resourcefulness, but also learn new information for themselves and test their knowledge in the field of literature. The staff of the literary and Local history Museum invites everyone to a sightseeing tour "Literary Chelny". Visitors will get acquainted with the literary life of the city and the Chelny region from pre-Azov times to the present