Центральная библиотека
  • Web site: http://библиотека-челны.рф/
  • Phone: (8552) 70-02-26
  • E-mail: library-cbs@mail.ru
  • Address: 423807 РТ, г.Набережные Челны, б-р Ямашева, 4/14А Проезд: трамваем до остановки «ДК "Энергетик"», автобусом до остановки «Гостиница Татарстан» или «Парк культуры»

Echo of Inspiration

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The Small Art Gallery of the Central City Library will host the opening of a personal exhibition of the teacher of the Children's Art School No. 1, a member of the International Creative Public Organization "Union of Teachers-Artists" Elmira Husayenova.

The creativity of Elmira Islyamovna is diverse and interesting, she always strives for innovation in the field of fine art, actively participates in city and republican exhibitions of creative works. Her art has a national character and reflects the inner spiritual state. At the opening of the exhibition, the artist presents his embroidery works and paintings in the oil painting technique.

We invite everyone. Information by phone: 70-02-26.