Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 8

Bibliopazl "Book starfall"

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The young guests, together with the library staff, will embark on an exciting journey into the world of children's books, remember their favorite literary characters and visit the book house. Opening the doors to the library, children will find themselves in a world of fairy tales and adventures, where they will be met by magical heroes from fairy tales. The Bibliopazl will consist of game tasks: "The most attentive", "Experts in fairy tales" and "Guess what". At the first stage, children will get acquainted with the rules of behavior in the library. The second task will be devoted to Russian folk tales, where children will answer the questions of the Fairy Carousel quiz. And on the third task, "The Magic Chest", readers will guess the items belonging to the characters from the fairy tale. At the end of the event, all interested children will sign up for the library.