Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 8

Book freemarket "The reader gives to the reader"

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On February 14, library users are invited to the book freemarket "Reader gives reader".

 During the day, the library will host a book fair, which will feature a variety of genres of literature: works of Russian classics, detective stories, romance novels, fiction, historical works. All interested children and adults will be able to exchange literature, discuss their favorite story with each other and take the book home. This is an opportunity to do a good deed - to give without expecting anything in return, to find what you want, and, in the end, to cheer up! Welcome!

On February 14, library users are invited to the book freemarket "Reader gives reader".

 During the day, the library will host a book fair, which will feature a variety of genres of literature: works of Russian classics, detective stories, romance novels, fiction, historical works. All interested children and adults will be able to exchange literature, discuss their favorite story with each other and take the book home. This is an opportunity to do a good deed - to give without expecting anything in return, to find what you want, and, in the end, to cheer up! Welcome!