Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 8

Loud reading "A book will tell about the war" (6+)

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On May 5 at 10.00 we invite you to take part in a loud reading "A book will tell about the war", as part of the International campaign "Reading to children about the war". The librarian will tell the children about the Great Patriotic War, about the price our people got the Victory. Participants will listen to Yuri Yakovlev's fairy tale "How Seryozha went to war", about the heroic and not so simple events of the war years. The story is narrated on behalf of the boy Seryozha, who really wanted to see the war with his own eyes and incredibly found himself on the battlefields with his grandfather. The meeting will end with a minute of silence honoring the memory of all those who died during the war. Welcome!