Городская библиотека - филиал № 23
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-23/
  • Phone: (8552) 46-51-51
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  • Address: 423803 РТ, г. Набережные Челны, Сармановский тракт,д.10/48,кв.1-3 (ЗЯБ, 18/38, кв. 1-3). Проезд автобусом до остановки "17 комплекс".

"Pure humorist"

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18 March 2016 in the reading room of the library-branch №23, in the framework of the book lovers Club "Meeting", for club members and pupils of the school№6, will host an evening of humor on creativity Arcadia Averchenko "pure humorist" - a writer who, through his sharp, satirical Peru became known as the "king of laughter". 
The aim is to introduce the biography and works of the writer, to show that his works are as relevant today, as objects of satire have not disappeared, they just changed the outer shell.
In the course of the evening will be given detailed information about journalistic, publishing and acting of the writer. Also you can see the dramatization of the story "the mermaid", to hear an overview of his early stories, to know what role was played by the journal "Satyricon" in the works Averchenko, about the writer's life in exile and to answer quiz questions. The event is timed to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the writer.