Городская библиотека - филиал № 23
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-23/
  • Phone: (8552) 46-51-51
  • E-mail: not have
  • Address: 423803 РТ, г. Набережные Челны, Сармановский тракт,д.10/48,кв.1-3 (ЗЯБ, 18/38, кв. 1-3). Проезд автобусом до остановки "17 комплекс".

Lord paper Empire

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The event is dedicated to the life and work of the General Director Naberezhnochelninsky cardboard and paper mill, the honourable citizen of our city Sergey Titov. In the program: 1."The beginning of a journey" - Titov's biography; 2. "His "offspring"" - about the first national enterprise;3. "Where the chestnut trees grow and flowers bloom" - the square of a name of Sergey Titov. Will be a book exhibition where will be presented the books and newspaper and magazine articles about Sergey Pavlovich and the CSC.