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"Triuneness of Russian state System"

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on Augusts, 22, 2017, в13.00 hours, within the framework of celebration of Day of state flag of Russia, in a library №23 for a youth audience a cognitive hour will take place "Triuneness of Russian state System". Aim of measure : forming of respect to the State flag of Russian Federation, bases of patriotism, respect to history of the country. That does mean a word flag, who invented him, why are state symbols needed? About it, yet about that, when the Russian flag found a present kind, we know stage-by-stage, since Ivan Threatening, Dmitry Don, Кузьмы Минина and Dmitry Пожарского. A measure will be accompanied sliding seat - by presentation the "State flag of Russia is our pride". Reading of verses will be organized about Russia, about a flag. Guys will be able to take part in the cognitive quiz sanctified to history of state flag.