Городская библиотека - филиал № 22
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-22/
  • Phone: not have
  • E-mail: nchelny.bibl22@tatar.ru
  • Address: 423800 РТ, г. Набережные Челны пр. Вахитова, 3,СОШ №48 (Новый город, 54/23). Проезд автобусами и трамваем до остановки «Ак мечеть» по Московскому проспекту, или до остановки «Детские сады» по проспекту М. Вахитова.

Literary-musical composition "Dear word mother"

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On 14 November, the eve of mother's Day in the library-branch № 22 for primary classes will be held literary-musical composition "Dear word mother". During the event, children will receive information about this holiday, listen to poems and songs, remember Proverbs, sayings, artwork about mom. And more children will be given a master class on making gifts for mom.