Городская библиотека - филиал № 22
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-22/
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  • E-mail: nchelny.bibl22@tatar.ru
  • Address: 423800 РТ, г. Набережные Челны пр. Вахитова, 3,СОШ №48 (Новый город, 54/23). Проезд автобусами и трамваем до остановки «Ак мечеть» по Московскому проспекту, или до остановки «Детские сады» по проспекту М. Вахитова.

An hour of interesting messages "On the way to artificial reason"

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On April 13 in library branch No. 22 for pupils of 7-8 classes there will pass hour of interesting messages "On the way to artificial reason". Children learn that such iskusstvnny intellect, what progress of the person in his creation when vomozhno it can bring its emergence and what threats to people. School students понакомятмя with the most famous science fiction writers describing relationship a chelovka and the robot: A. Azimov, R. Bradbury, S. Lukyanenko