Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 17

A poet who is dear to all

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 April 19, 2018 library " Centralized library system "Naberezhnye Chelny invites you to take part in the city's creative competition" Poet, which is dear to all", dedicated to the memory of the poet Gabdulla Tukai. The main purpose of the competition is to introduce children to the world of children's poetry, the genre of artistic expression and propaganda of the poet Gabdulla Tukai.

Creative competition "Poet, which is dear to all" will be held in three categories: "Artistic word", "drawing", "Crafts".
In the nomination "Art word" children will be included in the programme of his performances of the works of Gabdulla Tukai in Tatar and Russian languages.
During his speech allowed the use of musical accompaniment, slide presentations, sets, costumes.
In the category" drawing " contestants submit illustrations to the works of G. Tukai, which can be made in any technique on A3 paper.
Requirements for Handicrafts: you can mold, make, glue, embroider, sew, draw, make of any improvised or natural materials.
Children from 3 to 7 years are invited to participate in the competitio