Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 14

"Tukai yashi, Tukai yashyachak//The eternal poetry of Tukai"

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An evening of poetry based on the work of Gabdulla Tukai will be held within the framework of the program "Tatar yazuchylary: kitaplar ham yazmyshlar//Tatar writers: books and destinies". G. Tukai entered the history of the development of Tatar literature as a great national poet, who laid the foundation for national poetry and created its classical style. Russian Russian librarian will tell you that Gabdulla Tukai knew the Russian classics well, and devoted a lot of effort to translating Russian literature into Tatar. In his translations, he brought to the reader the rebellious poems of M. Y. Lermontov, the poetry of A. N. Maikov, I. S. Nikitin, the great works of L. N. Tolstoy. The artistic ideal for him was A. S. Pushkin. Presentations about the poet, videos and poems will be shown at the event. The immortal poetry of Gabdulla Tukai, for more than a hundred years, awakens the best feelings in a person and makes him think about his destiny, and be indifferent to the destinies of people and the Motherland.