Городская библиотека - филиал № 13

Readers 'conference" master of words»

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Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a great writer, so what he thought necessary to tell other people is really necessary for us, although we live in a different time.

At the conference, we will talk about the secrets of Chekhov's skill. Today, speaking about Chekhov's stories, we will have to answer many questions. For example: "Why did Chekhov write his works?"; "In Chekhov, every story is a story-a warning that it is very easy to lose yourself, your soul. Is this so?", "Chekhov in his stories often talks about people who have lost their sense of self-esteem. Who are these heroes and from what stories?"etc.

Participants will touch on favorite topics and questions that the writer returns to from story to story. These are thoughts about human dignity, about human freedom, about the best qualities of the human person-talent, intelligence, kindness. And also about how little people sometimes value the best in them.