Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 11

Read to children about the war.

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Library-branch № 11 invites children of primary school age to take part in the X International Campaign "Read to children about the war"! The organizer of the Action is "Samara regional children's library". On may 6, 2019 at 11: 00. hours at the same time in different parts of Russia and abroad will be an hour of simultaneous reading of works about the great Patriotic war. Readers of our library will hear the story of Y. Yakovlev "the Girl from Vasilievsky island". Before the reading begins, a multimedia presentation will be shown to help children get information about the years of the war.  After reading aloud the story Yakovlev will talk about what he read. Next, the children will be recommended books for self-reading.