Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 11

Reading to children about war.

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Library-branch № 11 invites children of primary school age to take part in the VIII International Action "we Read to children about war"! The organizer of the Action is a state cultural institution "Samara regional children's library". May 4, 2017 at 11: 00. hours at a time in different corners of Russia and abroad will be a simultaneous hour of reading books about the great Patriotic war. Readers of our library will hear the story of L. Kassil "the Story about the missing". Before beginning the reading will be shown a multimedia presentation that will help children to get information about the war. Then will be announced the facts of the history of writing the story, information about the author. After reading aloud the story of L. Kassil will host a conversation about what they read. Next, the guys will be recommended books for independent reading.

About the war and that the Victory in the great Patriotic war became possible thanks to the courage and heroism of our people, we know mostly from books. We hope that the librarian read the story will resonate in the hearts of our young readers. Welcome to our library!