Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 11

And noble Charles Perrault is taken again for the pen.

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On 21 and 22 November in the library-branch № 11 for children of primary school age will be held a literary hour "generous Charles Perrault is taken again the pen".

Thanks to the talent of Charles Perrault, the whole world became acquainted with the red Cap, Sleeping beauty, Puss in boots, Cinderella; he was one of the first writers who made the fairy tale literary genre. At the event, children will get acquainted with creativity of the writer, will make a literary "journey" in French fairy tales, and answer the quiz questions, riddles, play "a Fabulous tangle." See excerpts from the film "the Cinderella", a puppet animation "Riquet with the tuft" and ballet "Sleeping beauty". Invite everyone!