Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 11

Kindness and Tolerance lesson "Movement towards mutual understanding" (12+)

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On November 15, a lesson of kindness and tolerance "Movement towards mutual understanding" will be held in the library-branch No. 11 for teenagers aged 13-14. Teenagers will be introduced to the history of Tolerance Day. They will tell about the origin and modern popularity of this term. The children will participate in the discussion of issues of tolerance and forbearance, kindness and mercy, friendship and mutual assistance. The participants of the event will be offered games and exercises to develop the ability to find and appreciate the individuality of others and the ability to interact in a team. A book exhibition "The theme of tolerance in fiction" will be organized for the lesson and the librarian will introduce the children to books whose authors encourage the reading teenager to work together mentally and morally, help through complicity, empathy to the heroes of the book to realize themselves as a tolerant person.