Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 10

Quiz "According to the letter of the law"

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Every year, World Consumer Protection Day is celebrated worldwide on March 15. This day undoubtedly concerns every citizen, we are all consumers.

In the introductory part of the event, participants will get acquainted with the following questions: Who are the consumers? What rights do they have? When was the law "On Consumer Rights Protection" adopted and what do its main articles say?

Next, the guys will go through several stages, answering questions on the topic of the event. At the first stage, the "ABC of the Consumer" teams will check their general consumer knowledge, at the second "Puzzles" they will solve consumer puzzles, at the third "The Rights of fairy–tale heroes" they will give legal advice, at the fourth "The mistake came out" they will find violations on the labels of goods.

Organized dialogue, intellectual assault, consolidation of teamwork skills - all this is a legal quiz!