Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 10

The Hour of the Heroic Portrait "Life is a legend"

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Many generations have grown up in our country, sincerely looking up to the real heroes who defended their Homeland. Willingly or unwittingly, these people became role models, set the bar for serving the Fatherland, the bar for loyalty to duty and true dedication.

Our event will be dedicated to the heroes whose lives are a vivid example of serving the motherland in the most terrible, unthinkable conditions for a person. On it, its participants will get acquainted with the biography and exploits of two legendary pilots – Heroes of the Soviet Union M.P. Devyataev and A.P. Maresyev.

Guests of the library will also get acquainted with books dedicated to pilots – "Escape from Hell" by M. Devyataev and "The Story of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy.

Poems, songs will be performed, fragments of films about the characters will be shown.