Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 10

"Cranes are flying to immortality"

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The library invites guests to an event dedicated to the literary holiday — the Day of the White Cranes, established on the initiative of the national poet of Dagestan Rasul Gamzatov as a celebration of spirituality, poetry and as a bright memory of those who fell on the battlefields in all wars.

 The children will learn about the history of the holiday, why the crane is its symbol, get acquainted with the work of Rasul Gamzatov "Cranes" and learn about the touching story of writing this poem. And then, together with the crane wedge, they will go to Japan, where they will get acquainted with the tragic story of a Japanese girl Sadako, who became one of the victims of the atomic explosion in Hiroshima. They will also make a virtual trip to cities and countries where "crane" monuments are installed.