Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 10

«Eduard Asadov. I fight, I believe, I love!»

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The library invites guests to a magical journey through the world of poetry, high feelings and bright reflections of the poet, hero Eduard Asadov, as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth. The participants of the event will learn about the difficult fate of Eduard Asadov, about his feat accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, about what a huge price he paid for it, but did not break down. "I fight, I believe, I love" – these words became, as it were, the poet's motto, his life credo. Poems will be performed at the meeting: "A letter from the front", "They were students ...", "Poems about a red mutt", "Forest fairy tale", "Cherish happiness, cherish!", "Homeland", "The Twentieth century", as well as songs on his poems performed by famous singers. The event will be accompanied by a colorful presentation and a book exhibition, which will feature the best collections of his poems.