Городская библиотека - филиал № 23

Татарстан Республикасында «бездән халык барлыкка килә»интеллектуаль этноуены белән мәдәни традицияләр елы!

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"The people are made up of us" is an intellectual ethnogame that unites us through knowledge and understanding of our cultural history. The event offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the wealth of traditions and customs that have shaped our society. Participants will be able to test their knowledge, broaden their horizons and have fun solving riddles, puzzles and quizzes related to the ethno-cultural aspects of our republic. We invite everyone to join this unique event to celebrate together the beginning of the Year of Cultural Traditions in the Republic of Tatarstan and emphasize that it is from us, from knowledge and respect for our heritage, that the people are made up!