Центральная библиотека

"Mother tongue - the language of success"

In connection with this date February 19 Arsk Arsk gymnasium №5 staff of the Central Library was held an event outside. Students in grades 9 took part in the tournament connoisseurs of Russian and Tatar languages "Mother tongue - the language of success."
The tournament consisted of a variety of competitions. The children showed their knowledge in the field of linguistics, folklore and oratory.
Word is the greatest weapon is the commander of the human mind. In the competition "including logic" tournament participants in the proposed situations with their inherent wisdom and good sense of humor, we found the answers demanded brevity, surprise and wit.
Librarian summed up children to the idea that happiness is up to those who strive to make others happy, to give people warmth and kind words.
In the final part of the event for the spiritual enrichment and vocabulary advised leading the tournament participants to read the book and learn all the charm, secrets and mysteries of the native language.