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"For the native land"

In the first part of the event guys have read the reports of Heroes of the Soviet Union in our area: about Ezhkov VF, Salikhov, GS, NS Safin, Safiullin GB They also learned some of Military Merit, these people have received such a title. All those present honored the memory of the heroes of the Fatherland minute of silence.
In the second part of the event, students were divided into two teams: "Vasily Terkin" and "Young Guard". Both names were invented in the spirit of the holiday theme. The children participated in 4 competitions:
1) Q & A (questions about the heroes of our area);
2) Chest of letters (including random set of letters found 10 names and surnames of heroes);
3) Gather saying (to collect from the individual fragments of the proverbial 5);
4) Make a slogans (of speech to make the proposed slogans that each word begins with a certain letter).
In the meantime, there was a work in teams, the spectators were not just. They guessed riddles on the military theme.
With the score 24-20 team won "Vasily Terkin". Both teams were presented with souvenirs. Children in the day got a lot of useful information. They participated with great interest in the competition, using all their knowledge and skills.