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"You are what your speech"

All human life is inextricably linked with language. As kids we enthusiastically listen to folk tales, songs, epics. Later, an acquaintance with classical literature, the works of great masters such words as Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov. Today it is important to learn and to love their mother tongue. After all, the language - it is a world full of charms, charm and magic. He - the living memory of the people, his soul, his heritage ...

on February 7 in the reading room of the Central Library hosted the intellectual and cognitive game, "You are what your speech" with students 9 "B" class ASOSH №2. The children learned the history of the native language, interesting facts about the alphabet, participate in contests, and also took part in the quiz "Our countryman Dal".