Центральная библиотека

"Ak kalfaknyң tabylgan chagy ..."

On October 6, the central library Arsky passed literary and historic evening "Ak kalfaknyң tabylgan chagy ...". The event was organized with the aim of promoting women's organization "Ak kalfak". The evening was attended by the head of the local organization "Ak kalfak" Zakarova AM and representatives Faizrakhmanova H., Sharafutdinova F. They shared their impressions of the trip to the city Aktanysh where the regular meeting of the organization. In their speeches, they called on all those present to contribute to the preservation of national traditions and bring this rich material to the younger generation. The event was also participated actively in rural librarians, members of the club "Yashәү pit" and the literary association "Kaur kalәm".
In the final part of the evening we were organized workshops for the manufacture of women's national headdress - kalfak and were also presented options for tying a handkerchief.