Шуринская сельская библиотека - филиал № 54


Бар җырымны илгә багышладым!

February 15 – the poet-hero Musa Jalil was organized a poetry evening dedicated to the 110th anniversary since the birth of with students. On the evening of poet's poems, songs to the words of his students was presented. Book exhibition, presentation, materials Metbuat Jalil Jalil and additional information about those who after many readers.

Туган телем – Тукай теле!

21февраль – international creative work of Gabdulla Tukai for primary school pupils to the Day of the native language in the library was monitored in relation to the literature.

“Мин нинди кино карыйм”

8январь-Shura rural library with students for the day of the children's movie “I would watch a movie on the theme of” round table. Students, with love related movies-Fellner them heroes, what positive qualities has discussed. About movie for children, filmed in Russian, not only of Abdurakhman absalyamov “AK chechekler” novel film television and radio company of Tatarstan in the company New century in which there was a discussion about the actors.

“Кеше китә – җыры кала!”

The main Surubas dekabr day writer Muhammet possibilities for the vulnerable population school gambale known to the 85th anniversary since the birth of the “man out – the song remains!”was a review of literature. Students who are from the exhibition of books, presentation.