Ново-Кинерская детская библиотека - филиал № 3


"Әtiem - gorurlygym" (thematic evening)

February 25, librarians children's library in conjunction with the secondary school teachers held a thematic evening entitled "Әtiem - gorurlygym" dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

"Gasyrlarny kichkәn telebez"

February 21, Children's Library was held an hour of poetry "Gasyrlarny kichkәn telebez" dedicated to the International Mother Language Day.

"Җyrym belәn җiңdem doshmanny"

On February 16, the children's library was a literary evening dedicated to the birthday of Tatar poet, Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil.

"Hәrәkәttә - bәrәkәt"

February 4, librarians together with workers of culture at home, in front of House of Culture held a Novokinerskim game-baton "Hәrәkәttә - bәrәkәt".

"Tabigat – an Avaza"

In 2017 in Russia and in the Republic of Tatarstan was declared the Year of Ecology.

"Tәgәri yomgagym Kitty ..." (Literary Salon)

As part of the Decade of Disabled Persons, December 3, children's library, librarians held for students Novokinerskoy correctional boarding school the literary drawing room "Tәgәri yomgagym Kitty ...".

"Saby chaknyң gүzәl irtәse"

On June 2, the library held a children's matinee "Saby chaknyң gүzәl irtәse" dedicated to the International Children's Day.

“Мин Тукайга киләм”

April 15, Children's Library, held a poetry marathon dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the great Tatar poet G. Tukai our compatriot "Min Tukayga kilәm".