From Kirman to the heart of the capital of Tatarstan

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The regional public organization “Tatarstan Roerich Cultural Association”, the International Center of the Roerichs (Moscow), the Republican Youth Library with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan invite everyone to September 28 at 10.30 for an open lecture “From Kirman to the heart of the capital of Tatarstan. History of the Kazan Kremlin ”(Kirman from the Tatar language -“ fortress ”,“ Kremlin ”).
This lecture will open a cycle of monthly meetings dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, a great Russian artist, thinker, internationally recognized public figure, founder of the international legal movement for the protection of historical monuments and art values (life dates: 9.10.1874 - 13.12. 1947).