Discover the Artist Club

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On Saturdays and Sundays at 12:00 in our library there are master classes from a professional artist, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Tatarstan Mikhail Krayev, author of the series of works "The Book of the Artist". Master classes are suitable for beginners without drawing experience and are conducted under the guidance of an experienced artist Mikhail Krayev. The lesson is free for everyone who wants to draw. You only need to bring paper, watercolor paints, and brushes to the master classes. To participate, it is advisable to be a library reader and have a library card with you (entry to the library is free, have a passport with you). It is necessary to register in advance by phone:📞 +7 (937) 582-76-27.

Mikhail Krayev's master classes for those who are interested in art and want to learn how to draw, an experienced artist will give instructions and share his knowledge and techniques in the field of drawing.