"Right hemisphere drawing – the secret of two twos"

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On October 26, 2022, at 14:30, a master class on the Pushkin Map project will be held in the main library building. Tickets can be purchased at the Cashier.<url> by link https://kzn.kassir.ru/obrazovanie/pravopolusharnoe-risovanie-tayna-dvuh-dvoek .

Right hemisphere drawing is a creative technique that allows you to release creative energy. At the master class, participants will understand how right-hemisphere painting appeared, what its action is based on and whether it really works.

Present at the creative event:

they will learn how to unleash their creative potential;
increase brain activity;
they will learn to think outside the box and creatively;
they will learn how to relieve stress and relax;
learn how to paint therapeutic paintings;
they will bring balance and harmony to life.
The more often a person trains in rapid drawing using right-hemisphere techniques, the faster and more effectively the work of his brain is activated, and the brighter the creative flow will open.