"Feel the joy of reading!"

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On October 19, 2022 at 14:00 in the main building of the library according to the program "Pushkin Map" a kaleidoscope "Feel the joy of reading!" will take place. Tickets can be purchased at the Cashier.<url> by link https://kzn.kassir.ru/obrazovanie/kaleydoskop-oschuti-radost-chteniya#1245730

In the program of the event:

viewing the presentation "10 books that changed the lives of famous people";
book-presentation "Book Gulfstream", encouraging young people to plunge into the literary stream, learn new names and read time-tested books, presentation of a book addressed to young people (exhibition);
book-photography – those who wish can try themselves in advertising and photography, coming up with catchy and original slogans about reading, competing for the authorship of the seventh super frame, which captures cute, funny, shocking, witty moments of communication with the book;
viewing booktrailers – video advertisements of books in which methods similar to movie advertisements work.