Workshop "Feel Like a Star"

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A team-building event that helps young people to unleash the creative potential of each participant.

A playful form of the event is used, the presenter gives tasks, guides and helps in their preparation and implementation, inspiring and supporting. During the meeting, the participants interact in the proposed circumstances, one, two people, a group of five, seven people, the whole group.
As a result of completing tasks: - the creative potential of each participant is revealed, self-esteem rises; - due to physical and psychological liberation, the creative potential of the participants is manifested, communication becomes easier; - adequate self-esteem is activated; - partnerships are formed in the team; - the value of EACH participant becomes clear; - each participant is given the opportunity to open his own internal resource. During the event, the literary works of M. Jalil and G. Tukay are used. After the successful completion of all tasks is guaranteed, each participant will feel like a star!
The event participates in the Pushkinskaya Karta program and tickets can be bought on the website

Мероприятие участвует в программе «Пушкинская карта» и билеты можно купить на сайте Кассир.ру

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