Overall review of cultural projects, run in the subjects of the Russian Federation

With a view to cultural developing of emerging generation, that was first stated in the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly as of December 1, 2016, the main web portal for the Russian regions (RusRegionInform) and the editorial board of “Ekonomicheskaya politika Rossii” journal (“Economical policy of Russia”) have formed an overall review of cultural projects, run in the subjects of the Russian Federation – 2017 http://rusregioninform.ru/kultura.

The aims of this web portal are as follows:

- notification of regional and municipal projects and programs run in theatres, cinemas, museums, in the Internet and on TV, that would attract attention of youth and children to Russian classical literature, culture and history;

- informing people about practical implementation of state cultural policy in Russian regions, improvement of education and upbringing systems based on traditional for Russia ethical values, preservation of historical memory and cultural heritage;

- presentation of the best management practices of executive authorities and equivalent organizations in formation of high quality cultural environment, available cultural goods, equal conditions for creative activity and increasing access to cultural institutions.

To cultivate a love of reading in people and eliminate unequal development of libraries in different regions the Information database of competitiveness in library system of subjects of the Russian Federation was organized. It is available in “Electronic Library” section (http://rusregioninform.ru/strana/biblioteka.html)