Annual meeting of CEO of republican and municipal libraries of the Republic of Tatarstan

On April 20, 2017 in the conference-hall of the Ministry of Culture of RT an annual meeting of CEO of republican and municipal libraries of the Republic of Tatarstan was held. The chief organizers of the event are the Ministry of Culture of RT and the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan. Among the participants, there were the representatives of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Culture of RT, directors of republican libraries, directors of centralized library systems of the republic and the academic staff of Kazan State Institute of Culture and Arts. The meeting included an Interregional research workshop on support measures for and promotion of reading as well.

Sharipova Guzel Azatovna, the deputy Minister of culture of Republic of Tatarstan, Valeev Razil Ismagilovich, the head of State Council Committee for education, culture, science and national issues of RT, Kuzmin Evgeny Ivanovich, the President of Interregional centre of librarian cooperation, Basov Sergey Alexandrovich, the principal of Scientific-Methodological department of the Russian National library, Ziganshina Syuyumbika Razilevna, the CEO of  the National library of RT gave reports on librarianship and problems of reading.

The winners of annual republican contests were awarded with diplomas in a festive atmosphere. Information about the winners is available here:

An extensive cultural program was offered to all the participants of the meeting –the guests could choose among three theatrical performances to visit.

Photographs from the annual meeting are available at