“BiblioNight -2017” invites to the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan

On April 22, 2017 the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan will take part in a reading festival called “BiblioNight” (“Bilionoch”) that is annually held in April all over Russia. During the forthcoming event, the National library of RT will open its doors to all guests, who wish to become an inseparable part of the cultural life of our republic. The main subject of “BiblioNight” this year is “New reading”. New reading gives an opportunity to take a fresh look at familiar things and discover the undiscovered. The “BiblioNight” program was designed to surprise visitors and bear a feeling of something new and unusual in them. You will get a fair chance to see the interiors of one of the most enigmatic mansions in our city, become a part of Albina Nuri’s book presentation and contemplate a theatrical performance, organized by students of Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov. As a bonus, every guest will be presented with the Single library card.