VI All-Russian contest for the best digital edition on art and culture

We invite you to participate in the VI All-Russian contest for the best digital edition on art and culture, produced by libraries. The official organizers of the contest are Federation Council Committee for Science, Education and Culture; State Duma Committee for Information policy, Information technologies and Communications; State Duma Committee for Culture; Science and Education Department of the Ministry of Culture and Russian State Library.

The aim of the contest is to improve and develop the information activities of libraries in the sphere of art and culture.

The nominations of the contest:

“The best digital edition on art and culture”

“The best digital edition for cultural workers”

“The best methodological manual on organization of information activities in libraries”

“The best digital edition, released to commemorate Marina Tsetaeva’s 125th anniversary”

“The best digital edition, released to commemorate Konstantin Paustovsky’s 125th anniversary”

The digital editions must be released by the libraries or in partnership with other organizations within the period of 2015-2017. All necessary documents are available at the official website of the Russian State Library.

The applications must be sent to the Russian State Library: 119019, Moscow, ul. Vozdvizhenka 3/5. Kindly note that the applications submission deadline is June, 30, 2017.