Vtorov’s collection digitized

The Department of Library and Information Technology of the National library of the Republic of Tatarstan completed the digitization of Ivan Alexeevich Vtorov’s book collection that comprises the oldest books published in Russia before the 18th century. On March 20, 2017 the last book from Vtorov’s collection was published on the website of “The National electronic library of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

The book collection of bibliophile and local historian Ivan Vtorov stands for priceless heritage that is of scientific, historical and artistic value. The total number of digitized, edited and published in the Internet documents amounts to 1723. Digital variants of rare books preserve collector’s items and increase accessibility to these records for standard users. Now the collection is available for all Internet users. To touch the history one might visit the web-site of “The National electronic library of the Republic of Tatarstan” (https://kitap.tatar.ru/ru/ssearch/ecollection/) and “The National library of the Republic of Tatarstan” (http://kitaphane.tatarstan.ru).

Rare books from Vtorov’s collection are of great interest for historians as well as ordinary readers.