Library events

The strings of the Russian soul

In Library and information centre №1 for disabled people club "Harmony" will take place the evening devoted to anniversary of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin.

Место проведения: Библиотечно-информационный центр № 1

a premiere of the magazine "Young erudite"

19 November in the reading room of the library for students in 8th grade will take place a premiere of the magazine "Young erudite".

Место проведения: Городская библиотека - филиал № 22

Us in conflict cannot live, let us join our hands, friends!

On November 19, we invite students of 2 classes of the neighborhood to the library for a lesson of tolerance "We are in conflict cannot live, let us join our hands, friends!"

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 17

Literary autumn

Electronic presentation

Место проведения: Городская молодежная библиотека - филиал № 45

Books give wisdom

Library lesson within the project "Cultural diary schoolboy "

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 38

The culture of neighbourhood

the discussion dedicated to the Tolerance day

Место проведения: Городская библиотека - филиал № 13

Together on one earth

Invite everyone to an hour of poetry! Guest isthe poetess Valentina Sadovnikova will read their poetry in Russian and Ukrainian languages, will talk about her career.

Место проведения: Центральная библиотека

Child in the world the rightto

Everyone is welcome!

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 14

Creative evening of writer, Minify Ahmetshina

18 November at 14:00 in the Central library named after. S. Suleymanova will take place creative evening of the writer of Minify Ahmetshina

Место проведения: Центральная библиотека

"Whence comes Santa Claus?"

Multimedia presentations and cartoons

Место проведения: Центральная детская библиотека

Opening of the exhibition "World of dream"

17 November at 15 hours in the small picture the gallery will host an exhibition of pupils of children's school of arts and a teacher of Muhrykina E. N.

Место проведения: Центральная библиотека

"A symbol of peace and good"

the literary game to the International day of tolerance

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 7

Sasha Chernyj and his friends

In the Central children's library held a literary cruise on the works of Sasha Cherny.

Место проведения: Центральная детская библиотека


November 14 to16 hours in the Central city library held a personal exhibition of the honored worker of arts of Tatarstan, member of the Unionof artists of Russia and Tatarstan AnatolyPashin "Soul".

Место проведения: Центральная библиотека

"And all that jazz..."

meeting with I. Kirillov

Место проведения: Центральная библиотека им. Г. Тукая

Book exhibition: "the Law about me and me about the law"

14November in the children's library will host a book exhibition "the Law about me and me about the law." The exhibition will be presented books about the law and human rights.Come and visit our exhibition.November 14 in the children's library will host a book exhibition "the Law about me and me about the law." The exhibition will be presented books about the law and human rights.Come and visit our exhibition.November 14 in the children's library will host a book exhibition "the Law about me and me about t

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 6

"Poetry and music"

presentation of the book recovered after his Murtazina

Место проведения: Центральная библиотека им. Г. Тукая

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