Library events

Literary evening "One warm word"

The "Spark" will be held a meeting with the poet A. Sitdikovoy.

Место проведения: Городская библиотека - филиал № 3

Terrorism is a threat to humanity

29 September at 13.30 will be held the evening of questions and answers "Terrorism – a threat to humanity"Children learn about the nature and types of modern terrorism. Attendees will be able to take part in the discussion of the problem of terrorism in modern society. Are assumed to be situational, practical techniques of self-defense with the threat of terrorist acts.

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 17

The Zoo Would.Zhitkova

September 29 at 12.30 PM, the library will host an oral magazine "Zoo B. Zhitkova" To 135 - th anniversary from birthday of Russian writerChildren learn about the life and work of naturalist writer Boris Zhitkov. Young readers will hear the story of the creation of books-encyclopedias, "What I saw" and "What happened" will take part in the loud reading of the story "the elephant". Answering questions literary quiz "the Zoo Zhitkova", children will guess the animal from the stories of the writer. Children wi

Место проведения: Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 17

Evening-meeting with Alfie Sitdikovoy

28 September at 14.00 in the national library model No. 12 will hold an evening meeting with Alfie Sitdikovoy.

Место проведения: Городская библиотека - филиал № 12

Игра -путешествие " В страну Доброты"

В рамках Осенней недели добра в Ульяновской сельской библиотеке пройдёт игра - путешествие " В страну Доброты"

Место проведения: Ульяновская сельская библиотека - филиал № 24

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