Добрый день! Я бы хотела уточнить по наличию научных статей. 1. Simonis B., Eustachio P. Die Entwässerung von Feinstkornschlämmen in der Steinkohlenaufbereitung mittels Siebbandpressen // Aufbereitungs-Technik. – 1982. – Bd.23, № 6. – S. 287-294. 2. Mason R. Belt filter presses squeeze into prep plants // Coal Mining and Processing. – 1982, № 1. – Р. 50-56. 3. Williams K.P., Fletcher R.M., Strydom P.J. Pilot scale belt press filtration of coal refuse – the effect of polymeric flocculants // Mine and Quarry. – 1990. – V. 19, № 6. – Р. 26-29. 4. Badgujar M.N., Chiang S.-H. An analysis of belt filter press dewatering mechanism // Filtration and Separation. – 1989. – V. 25, № 5. – Р. 364-367. 5. Austin E.P. The filter belt press – application and design // Filtration and Separation. – 1978. – V. 15, № 4. – Р. 320-330. 6. Mel Laurila. Using belt vacuum filters to dewater fine coal // Coal Age. – 1998, V. 103, № 1. – P. 40-47.
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